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Eriogonom spp. / wild buckwheat
- short, with small leaves close to the ground
- leaves persistent in winter, green and red
- blossoms - cute little buttons that look like dried flowers; long-lasting
- inflorescence - umbel or compound umbel
- may be white, cream, yellow, pink, red; changeable with age
Grindelia squarrosa / Curly cup gumweed
- small-ish yellow flowers
- button-like buds
- attractively compact, globe-shaped plant
Medicago lupulina / black medic
- prostrate, long creeping stems
- compound leaves with 3 small, rounded leaflets
- teeny yellow flowers in very small button-like clusters
- disturbed areas with compacted soil - roadsides & wastelands
Orogenia linearifolia / Indian potato
- spring ephemeral, found only at snowmelt
- very small plant, teeny flowers and teeny umbels
- white flowers with purple dots (stamens)
- grass-like leaves
Tanacetum vulgare / tansy
- yellow, somewhat flattened, button-like flowers
- pretty clearly in the aster family
- camphor-ish smell
- finely divided, fern-like compound leaves
Showing all 5 results