Showing 13–24 of 43 results
Chenopodium album / lamb’s quarters
- green, nobbly inflorescence - many nob-like flowers
- leaves grey-green, more or less triangular
- leaves may feel cool to the touch
- widespread weed, especially in disturbed habitats
Dactylis glomerata / orchardgrass
- perennial bunchgrass
- branched inflorescence with lowest branch well below the others
- spikelets wedge-shaped, flattened in tight clusters
- florets green to red/purple tinged; grey-brown when seeds mature
- introduced and widespread, but not in wet areas
Delphinium bicolor / low larkspur
- short plant with a spike of purple flowers
- individual flowers have a pronounced spur out the back
- leaves are few, round, deeply lobed, about the size of a quarter
- widespread throughout the valley and on the hills
- appears and blooms soon after snowmelt
Delphinium nuttallianum / upland larkspur
- Bright blue flowers, sometimes whitish or other color petals in center
- One or several flowers per stalk
- Long spur "behind" the flower
- Leaves mostly low on the stem - divided into several or many lobes
- Open meadows, near streams, with sagebrush, any elevation
- Beginning soon after snowmelt and sometime persisting into September
Elymus trachycaulus / slender wheatgrass
- cool season bunchgrass; no rhizomes
- flower spikes very narrow and linear; overlapping spikelets tightly pressed to stem
- flat, medium-width leaves; somewhat bluish
- beautifully straw colored in fall
- common but rarely abundant; many habitats
Eriophorum angustifolium / narrow-leaved cottongrass
- limited to bogs/fens with standing water
- "just a pointy-leaved plant" until the fruit develops
- fruits are big white, cotton-like tufts
Erythranthe guttata / seep monkeyflower
- yellow flowers with red spots in clumps of 5 or more
- flowers large for the plant, but otherwise "normal" size
- two "lips" - lower lip larger than upper, each with 2 petals
- found in wetlands of all kinds
Goodyera oblongifolia / western rattlesnake plantain
- basal rosette of blue-green leaves with a white midvein
- single, leafless inflorescence stem
- greenish-white, stalkless flowers, often in a spiral
- the flowers have a hood, a short, pouch-like lip, and 2 flaring sepals
- usually found on the floor of coniferous forests
Hackelia spp. / stickseeds in general
- very small blue flowers
- inflorescence elongates with single flower at top
- more and more branches through the season
- nasty stickseed fruits mature below apex
Hordeum jubatum / foxtail barley
- attractive roadside grass
- long, silky, glistening awns; red, green, purple-ish
- awns and bracts are sharp and barbed... potentially dangerous to dogs
Huechera cylindrica / coral bells
- oval-shaped leaves growing in clumps/tufts - all basal
- leaf edges with small lobes or teeth
- teeny pale yellow, creamy, green or pink flowers on a leafless stem
- flowers more dense at top of spike than lower down
- in woods, on cliff-side ledges, rocky slopes and subalpine meadows
Koeleria macrantha / Prairie Junegrass
- short, tuft-forming bunchgrass
- leaves short and basal with raised veins
- grows in early spring; flowers in June/July
- spike-like cylindrical inflorescence, 2-5" long, tan or purple
- scattered distributions, esp. in rocky or sandy forests or plains
Showing 13–24 of 43 results