
Showing 37–48 of 54 results

  • Ranunculus adoneus / alpine buttercup

    • short, high altitude plant
    • rocks or moist meadows
    • yellow "buttercuppy" flowers, 5-10 petals
    • huge numbers of stigmas
    • highly lobed, finely dissected leaves
  • Ranunculus aquatilis / common water crowfoot

    • found in slowly flowing water ways, ditches, ponds
    • white, waxy flowers with yellow centers; 4 or 5 petals
    • flowers raised a couple inches above the water surface
    • usually grows in dense mats that look a lot like slime
  • Ranunculus glaberrimus / sagebrush buttercup

    • one of the earliest spring flowers
    • yellow flowers, ca. 1" across
    • usually 5 shiny/waxy petals, numerous stamens
    • short, mostly elliptical leaves
    • in small to field-sized clumps
    • very poisonous
  • Ranunculus orthorhynchus / straightbeak buttercup

    • 5 (to 8) bright, shiny yellow petals with long pedicels
    • many stamens and pistils
    • large, compound leaves with 3-5 pointy-lobed leaflets
    • found in wet areas including irrigation ditches
  • Rosa spp. / wild rose

    • deep red (to pink) flowers; wonderfully fragrant
    • understory shrub in wetter areas
    • flowers mid-summer
  • Sabulina nuttallii / Nuttall’s sandwort

    • small, glandular-pubescent perennial
    • trailing stems form mats
    • thin, rigid, needle-like leaves, about ½" long
    • small, white, 5-petaled flowers in terminal clusters
    • 5 green, pointy sepals
    • sagebrush hills to alpine slopes, and especially on gravelly benches or talus
  • Scutellaria galericulata / marsh skullcap

    • riparian zones and wetlands
    • blue, trumpet shaped (legume) flowers; usually in pairs on same side of a stem
    • flowers not at the top of the stems
    • square stems, widely spaced opposite leaves; adjacent pairs at right angles
  • Shepherdia canadensis / Canadian buffaloberry

    • deciduous shrub, opposite branches and leaves; understory
    • trichomes (hairs) on lower, often upper surfaces.
    • lower surface has rust-colored scales
    • teeny yellowish flowers before leaves appear; male and female on separate plants
    • red or orange, oval fruits with one stony seed; soapy when crushed
  • Sisyrinchium idahoense / Idaho blue-eyed grass

    • six blue, notched "petals" with yellow center
    • single flower; naked stem
    • narrow, grass-like, basal leaves
    • fens and wet meadows
  • Streptopus amplexifolius / white twisted-stalk

    • creeping herb
    • oval, clasping leaves; parallel veins; sharp tip
    • pronounced stem "kink" at each node gives twisted look
    • drooping, cream-colored flowers, 6 recurved tepals, borne singly
    • single, elongated red berries in fall
    • found in moist undergrowth
  • Symphiocarpos oreophilus / mountain snowberry

    • small pink (or white) bell or funnel shaped flowers, singly or in pairs
    • shrub - upright or spreading
    • most visible in late summer when the white "berries" ripen
    • in the open or in canopy gaps; along the sides Forest Service roads
  • Taraxia tanacetifolia / tansyleaf evening primrose

    • single, sessile, bright yellow, cup shaped flowers; 4 petals
    • grows as a rosette, flat to the ground
    • leaves are up to 12 inches long; very deeply lobed
    • still blooming in mid-October; starts in mid summer
    • grows on sandy/gravelly soil, e.g. drying lake beds

Showing 37–48 of 54 results