
Showing 25–36 of 54 results

  • Malva neglecta / cheeseweed

    • leaves look like grocery store geraniums (Pelargonium)
    • flowers are small, pink-ish and often buried in the foliage
    • fruits are small (ca. 1/2 in) and round
  • Micranthes odontoloma / brook saxifrage

    • streamsides (or in the streams) especially at higher elevations
    • white petals with beautiful red center
    • yellow/green spots on the petals
    • multiple drooping flowers on foot-long, leafless stems
  • Microsteris gracilis / slender phlox

    • everything about it is teeny
    • white or pink, 5-petal flowers ca. 2 mm diameter
    • exposed, in early spring (ephemeral)
  • Opuntia fragilis / brittle pricklypear

    • smallest pricklypear cactus; potato-shaped pads
    • pads separate with lightest bump
    • seldom flowers or fruits
  • Opuntia polyacantha / starvation cactus

    • yellow or peach, complex, many-petaled flowers
    • large globose, pointed buds with reddish scales
    • cactus pads with long or short spines and nasty glochids
  • Parnassia fimbriata / fringed grass of Parnassus

    • ca. 1" flower with obviously fringed, white petals
    • flowers look very "complicated"
    • thick, rounded basal leaves
    • usually in wet places, but also alpine on rocks
  • Phlox diffusa / spreading phlox

    • low, spreading, moss-like (before blooming)
    • flowers 5-petaled, a variety of colors, and with a tube below the petals
    • many habitat types incl. mountain slopes, rocky terrain, dry forests or with sagebrush
    • blooms in early spring to early summer
    • confusable with P. hoodii
  • Phlox hoodii / spiny phlox

    • half-inch, five (or four) petaled flower with yellow center
    • low to ground, mat forming, moss-like
    • tightly packed, narrow, spiny leaves
    • blooms in very early spring, just after snowmelt
    • with sagebrush on dry, rocky soils
  • Phlox longifolia / longleaf phlox

    • white or pink to almost rose flowers
    • blooms in spring, sometimes through to August
    • common on disturbed and undisturbed sites
  • Potentilla fruticosa / shrubby cinquefoil

    • low, deciduous, shrub; wetlands and riparian zones
    • yellow buttercup-like flowers with 5 leaflets, often in clusters
    • blooms from June until frost
    • pinnately compound leaves, typically with 5 leaflets
    • fruit (achene) remains into winter
  • Prosartes trachycarpa / rough-fruited fairybells

    • heart-shaped, clasping leaves with parallel veins
    • pendant white flowers with 6 petals/tepals, often obscured by leaves
    • round, yellow then orange then red fruits with rough surface in late summer
    • moist forest understoreys
  • Purshia tridentata / antelope bitterbrush

    • small yellow, 5-petal flowers in early spring
    • small shrub, often in large "clumps"
    • leaves look like sagebrush (Artemesia tridentata)

Showing 25–36 of 54 results