Showing 13–24 of 38 results
Danthonia californica / California oatgrass
- medium-sized, cool season bunchgrass
- florets widely spaced with long stalks on an open panicle
- may have flowering stems that appear wiry and crinkled
- when flowering, stamens are purple
Festuca idahoensis / Idaho fescue
- a bunchgrass growing in very dense clumps
- over-winters green; an early green grass in spring
- green to blue-green to silvery green leaves
- individual flowers in clusters of hairy spikelets on branched panicles; very dark purple or green
- seeds have large spines (awns) at the tips
Frasera speciosa / monument plant
- striking, 4 petal flowers - green and white with purple flecks
- flowers held close in to stem
- tall flowering stalk (to chest high) from a base of large, elongated rosette leaves
Galium borealis / northern bedstraw
- teeny 4-petaled white flowers in small to large clusters
- two pairs of opposite leaves in a whorl around the stem
- linear leaves - like rosemary
- smooth stems... not hairy or sticky like other bedstraws
Gentian affinis / pleated gentian
- brilliantly blue, funnel-shaped flowers
- petals (lobes) pointed, joined by ragged plaits
- flowers in clumps or singly at tops of stems
- leaves lanceolate and opposite on square stems.
- found in a variety of wet sites
Hesperostipa comata / needle and thread
- widely spaced bunchgrass
- glossy leaves, smooth stem
- narrow inflorescence with long awns (hairs)
- sharp, needle-like seed retaining the awn
- drought tolerant
Heuchera parvifolia / littleleaf alumroot
- subalpine, alpine... on rocks
- clusters of round or kidney-shaped leaves
- leaves lobed, all basal (no stem leaves)
- inflorescences tower over leaves
- clumps of teeny, yellow flowers along a spike-like flowering stalk
Lactuca serriola / prickly lettuce
- numerous dime-sized yellow flowers in an "airy" panicle
- buds droop or hang in a "shepherd's hook" before opening
- seed heads are dandelion-like, but more delicate
- highly divided, prickly leaves
- mostly in "waste" areas
Madia glomerata / mountain tarweed
- stems, leaves, flowers - strongly aromatic, like tar
- sticky glandular hairs cover foliage and floral bracts
- flowers in clusters with 1 to 3 yellow ray florets
- disk florets retain visible petals; black stamens
Maianthemum racemosum / Solomon’s plume
- "feathery" inflorescence - panicle
- 6 white tepals on teeny flowers
- long-blooming in late spring, sometimes into summer
- green berries --> red as they ripen
- alternate, clasping leaves on erect stems
Penstemon cyaneus / blue penstemon
- two-toned totally tubular flower (blue and pink-ish)
- early spring to at least mid-summer
- widespread in low disturbance habitats - even when rocky and "bare"
Penstemon palmeri / Palmer’s penstemon
- very tall, exposed
- pink flowers with rose/grape scent
- flowers clumped on one side of stem in groups of 4-5
- red "guidelines" (bloody fangs) on lower petals
- stem leaves opposite, clasping, like little boats
Showing 13–24 of 38 results