Showing 25–31 of 31 results
Penstemon whippleanus / dusky beardtongue
- large-ish purple or creamy-white tubular flowers
- from the side, flowers look like a gaping mouth; 2 lobes above, 3 below
- flowers typically hang down in small clusters at the top of their stems
- opposite, sessile leaves on flowering stems
- subalpine on rocky areas, as at Darby wind cave
Phacelia hastata / silverleaf scorpionweed
- flowers - dull white-ish/purple-ish, numerous in short, compact, coiled clusters
- stamens extend well past petals
- leaves - basal with prominent veins; usually covered with silvery hairs; usually entire
- multiple flowering stems on a single plant
- in a variety of habitats
Phacelia heterophylla / varied leaf scorpionweed
- spirally arranged, teeny white flowers with very long stamens
- flowers turn brown soon after opening
- all parts of the plant are hairy
- not all that common, but widespread
Physaria spp / twinpods
- yet another very small yellow crucifer/brassica
- densely hairy leaves, tapering to a petiole
- bloom in early spring on minimal soil in rocky places
- fruit characteristics TBPL
Potentilla gracilis / slender cinquefoil
- yellow, 5-petaled flowers with many stamens
- petals touch or overlap
- leaves with 5-9 toothed, deeply cut lobes
- leaves may be hairy, especially below
- many different exposed habitats
Potentilla norvegica / rough cinquefoil
- 5 yellow petals, not fused
- 5 sepals longer than petals, esp. after flowering
- numerous stamens and pistils
- compound leaves with leaflets grouped in 3s
- prominent veins; toothed margins
- hairy stems
- mostly in disturbed areas, including gardens
Valeriana sitchensis / Sitka valerian
- rhizomatous perennial - possibly in large colonies
- sizable head of small white flowers; 5 petals
- stamens extend beyond petals
- leaves opposite, deeply lobed (almost compound)
Showing 25–31 of 31 results