Showing 13–24 of 31 results
Eremogone congesta / sandwort
- very small (teeny) white flowers in a ball-like arrangement
- tufts of pointy-tipped needle-like leaves 3" or less long
- cushion plant
- dry, rocky or sandy soils, rock crevices
Eremogone capillaris / fescue sandwort
- five petals, white, in clusters of ca. 3 flowers per stalk
- prominent stamens with large anthers
- grass-like (fescue-like) opposite leaves
- in clumps or mats, in rock cracks and rocky meadows
- alpine and subalpine
Galium triflorum / fragrant bedstraw
- low, herbaceous plant on forest floor
- whorls of thin, pointy leaves - 6 per whorl
- teeny, 4-petaled white flowers in groups of three
Geum macrophyllum / largeleaf avens
- yellow, 5-petaled flowers; not glossy
- many long styles in green center
- fruits look like little marbles covered with red velcro
- fruits and flowers present at the same time
- deeply divided, sessile leaves on flowering stems
Hackelia floribunda / many-flowered stickseed
Hackelia micrantha / Jessica sticktight
- teeny blue flowers with yellow/white centers
- flowers appear singly or in groups above developing fruit
- inflorescence mostly on one side of the stem
- lower leaves long and narrow; upper leaves fewer and sessile
- fruit a pointy and tenacious nutlet
Hackelia patens / spotted stickseed
- small (but not teeny) white, 5-petaled flowers with delicate blue stripes at bases
- stamens arising from a "hole" in the middle of the flowers where petals are fused
- usually around sage, in early spring
- fruits are obnoxious - but small - burs (nutlets) that stick to everything
Hieracium albiflorum / white hawkweed
- white, dandelion-like flower; up to 50 per plant
- 6-25 florets
- square-end petals each with 4 small notches
- hairy stems and basal leaves
- shady openings in dry forests
Ipomopsis aggregata / scarlet gilia
- bright red (usually), elongated, trumpet-like flowers; 5 petals
- late season (July, August) flowers may be white
- highly divided, comb-like leaves
- pollination by hummingbirds (red forms) and moths (white, late forms)
- smells bad but tastes good
Lithospermum ruderale / Columbia puccoon
- small, pale yellow flowers in early spring
- flowers in dense clusters, nestled among the leaves
- 1–3 in. long, linear leaves, notably crowded on upper part of stems
- in dry areas, especially with sagebrush
Myosotis asiatica / forget-me-not
- azure blue to violet to white flowers - very small
- yellow ring around the center of each flower, like a doughnut
- usually many flowers in an inflorescence
- flowers initially in compact clusters, more spread out later in season
- leaves and stems a bit hairy
Packera pseudaurea / falsegold groundsel
- yellow, flat-topped cluster of daisy-like flowers
- oval, erect basal leaves with long petioles and round/blunt-toothed edges
- generally in moist to wet habitats
Showing 13–24 of 31 results