Showing all 8 results
Comandra umbellata / bastard toadflax
- teeny, funnel-shaped white-ish flowers in clusters
- small plants, thick-ish, pointy stem leaves; more oval basal leaves
- clonal - may colonize large areas
Erigeron speciosus / aspen fleabane
- prolific purple-ish flowers with many "petals" and a yellow center
- forest openings and edges, meadows
- late blooming - a "fall aster"
Heterotheca villosa / hairy goldenaster
- yellow composite with 10-20 ray florets, orange-brown disk
- hairy leaves and stems
- blooms throughout season, often densely
- disturbed and challenging habitats
Packera cana / woolly groundsel
- yellow, daisy-like blossoms with 8-13 ray florets ("petals")
- golden, central disks
- blossoms in flat-topped clusters of up to 15
- mostly basal leaves - unlobed, hairy, ovate, up to 2 inches long
- overall silvery appearance
Packera streptanthifolia / Rocky Mountain groundsel
- yellow-flowered composite; "flowers" on branched inflorescence
- 8-13 half-inch ray florets, usually spaced apart
- thick, spatula-shaped basal leaves without teeth or clefts
- thin, often deeply lobed stem leaves
- dry woodlands and rocky places
Paxistima myrsinites / Oregon boxwood
- low shrub
- small, opposite leaves; lightly toothed, leathery, oval
- very early spring flowering
- teeny flowers with 4 red petals, 4 yellow stamens; in clusters
- usually on open, dry, sunny sites or open forests
Sambucus nigra / common elderberry
- shrub or small tree blooming in late spring
- leaves opposite
- pinnately compound with up to 9 leaflets with serrated edges
- flowers are white, 5-petaled, in flat-topped clusters of clusters
- "berries" are red or dark blue/black in August; often drooping when mature
Spiraea betulifolia / white spiraea
- short (1-3 feet), dominant shrub in forest understory
- rounded leaves with toothed outer margins
- teeny flowers in flat-topped clusters up to 5" across
- flowers are white with 5 petals and many stamens
Showing all 8 results