
Showing 25–33 of 33 results

  • Solidago canadensis / goldenrod

    • large sprays of yellow flowers in late summer and fall
    • often tall and in large colonies
    • lance-shaped, toothed leaves
    • mostly (but not always) in disturbed areas
  • Solidago multiradiata / alpine goldenrod

    • the only (?) goldenrod at alpine altitudes
    • clusters of 5-100 small, yellow composite flowers with a dozen-ish rays and 3 doz disc florets
    • medium green lance/spoon shaped leaves, bigger at base of the plants; toothed/hairy edges
  • Sonchus arvensis / field sowthistle

    • yellow dandelion-like
    • multiple flowers per stalk
    • often in patches in wet fields
    • leaves spiney but without lobes, clasping the stems
    • often several stems from a single point at the soil level
  • Stenotus acaulis / stemless goldenweed

    • very short, mat forming perennial yellow "daisy"
    • thin, lance-shaped leaves, pointing upward
    • yellow flower head with 6-15 ray florets, up to 50 disk florets
    • in dry, rocky, open-scrub habitats
  • Taraxacum officinale / dandelion

    • rosette growth habit with lobed leaves
    • yellow dandelion-like flowers - composites with only ray florets
    • only one flower head per stem
    • characteristic puff-ball seedheads
    • found anywhere and anytime
  • Tetradymia canescens / spineless horsebrush

    • shrub - up to 3 feet tall and across; round
    • small, yellow composite flowers in clusters of 4 to 8
    • dandelion-like seeds often present with flowers
    • primary leaves short and linear; long-lived
    • secondary leaves in axils of primaries are short-lived
    • primary leaves are not spines
  • Tripleurospermum inodorum / scentless chamomile

    • daisy-like blossoms with finely divided leaves
    • central disk shape changes from button- to dome- to hemisphere- with age
    • ray petals droop as disk expands
    • leaves don't smell when crushed
  • Wyethia amplexicaulis / yellow mules ear

    • blooms in late June, July
    • large yellow sunflower-like central flower, smaller additional flowers
    • long, shiny, not-hairy leaves - like green mule's ears
    • strongly aromatic
    • may cover acres, almost as a monoculture
    • crunchy in the fall
  • Wyethia helianthoides / white mule’s ears

    • large, white-rayed flowers - like daisies
    • large leaves, reminiscent of mule's ears
    • uncommon but in huge profusion when it is found
    • in wetlands or wetter meadows and especially in the spring.

Showing 25–33 of 33 results