Showing 13–21 of 21 results
Prosartes trachycarpa / rough-fruited fairybells
- heart-shaped, clasping leaves with parallel veins
- pendant white flowers with 6 petals/tepals, often obscured by leaves
- round, yellow then orange then red fruits with rough surface in late summer
- moist forest understoreys
Ribes viscosissimum / sticky currant
- shrub to 7 feet tall
- stem and leaves covered with sticky, glandular hairs
- white, bell-like flowers in drooping or erect clusters (up to 15)
- rough leaves, 3-5 equal lobes, toothed margins
- fragrant flowers and leaves
Sambucus nigra / common elderberry
- shrub or small tree blooming in late spring
- leaves opposite
- pinnately compound with up to 9 leaflets with serrated edges
- flowers are white, 5-petaled, in flat-topped clusters of clusters
- "berries" are red or dark blue/black in August; often drooping when mature
Senecio triangularis / arrowleaf ragwort
- leafy stems with arrow-shaped, coarse-toothed leaves
- often in large patches on moist soil
- clusters of yellow flower heads, each with 8-ish untidy ray florets
- numerous green involucral bracts, sometimes with black tips
- largest leaves occur mid-stem
Solanum physalifolium / ground cherry nightshade
- flowers look like potato or tomato flowers
- small white, 5 recurved petals
- clump of yellow stamens protrude from flower
- triangular leaves with wedge-shaped bases
- usually sprawling on ground
Solidago multiradiata / alpine goldenrod
- the only (?) goldenrod at alpine altitudes
- clusters of 5-100 small, yellow composite flowers with a dozen-ish rays and 3 doz disc florets
- medium green lance/spoon shaped leaves, bigger at base of the plants; toothed/hairy edges
Telesonix heucheriformis / false saxifrage
- alpine or subalpine
- on scree, rock faces, cliffs, in cracks
- glandular, slightly lobed leaves (common for the family)
- teeny red or purple-ish flowers in large-ish clusters
- blooms in August at high altitudes
Tetradymia canescens / spineless horsebrush
- shrub - up to 3 feet tall and across; round
- small, yellow composite flowers in clusters of 4 to 8
- dandelion-like seeds often present with flowers
- primary leaves short and linear; long-lived
- secondary leaves in axils of primaries are short-lived
- primary leaves are not spines
Trifolium longipes / long-stalked clover
- a (mostly) 3-leaf clover, leaves evenly colored
- leaves long and narrow (not rounded), toothed (small) margins
- leaves on long petioles
- flower heads on long peduncles,
Showing 13–21 of 21 results