very large
Showing 1–12 of 13 results
Chamerion angustifolium / fireweed
- bright pink flowers on tall inflorescence (raceme)
- flowers mature from bottom to top
- four petals
- spiral leaf arrangement - lance-shaped leaves have smooth edges
- pod-like seed capsule releases seeds to the wind
Delphinium x occidentale / tall larkspur
- white with blue center, long white spur (tail) out the back
- flowers on tall racemes, up to 6 feet - more than 50 per stalk
- highly divided/lobed leaves
- flowers look a lot like garden larkspurs
Frasera speciosa / monument plant
- striking, 4 petal flowers - green and white with purple flecks
- flowers held close in to stem
- tall flowering stalk (to chest high) from a base of large, elongated rosette leaves
Helianthus annuus / sunflower
- tall with big, drooping leaves (up to 15x15 inches)
- large sunflower like flowers - yellow petals, darker disk
- disturbed edges and waste areas, roadsides, near crops
Heracleum maximum / cow parsnip
- very tall - stands above most other herbs and forbs
- huge leaves with clasping sheaths at the stem junction
- leaves lobed and like a very large maple
- huge flat umbels with white flowers
- grooved, woolly, stout stem
Iliamna rivularis / streambank globemallow
- showy, pink flowers, sometimes rose or nearly white
- tall, up to 6 feet
- large, broadly "heart-shaped" leaves with big, triangular lobes
Pedicularis contorta / curved-beak lousewort
- alpine and subalpine habitats
- fern-like leaves at base
- tall, spikey inflorescence
- white flowers with coiled upper beak and flat, 3-lobed lower lip
Penstemon palmeri / Palmer’s penstemon
- very tall, exposed
- pink flowers with rose/grape scent
- flowers clumped on one side of stem in groups of 4-5
- red "guidelines" (bloody fangs) on lower petals
- stem leaves opposite, clasping, like little boats
Rumex crispus / curly dock
- rather large, lance-shaped leaves
- curly leaf margins, like crisped bacon or "crinkly-wavy"
- tall flowering stalks with many, many small yellow/green-ish flowers
- fruits are just like the flowers but deep red
- widespread and very much a weed
Sambucus nigra / common elderberry
- shrub or small tree blooming in late spring
- leaves opposite
- pinnately compound with up to 9 leaflets with serrated edges
- flowers are white, 5-petaled, in flat-topped clusters of clusters
- "berries" are red or dark blue/black in August; often drooping when mature
Typha latifolia / cattail
- tall, grass-like with thick, long, flat leaves
- in wet areas, especially streams and stream banks
- inflorescence club-like spike; yellow (male) above, green (female) below
- seed head dark brown club, with bare spike above
- fruits (seeds) white & fluffy, released in late summer, autumn, winter
Veratrum californicum / California false hellebore
- huge inflorescence covered with one-inch-plus flowers
- six white tepals with green centers
- moist areas, possibly very dense stands
- foot-long, heavily veined, pleated bright green leaves
Showing 1–12 of 13 results