single flower
Showing 37–48 of 51 results
Ranunculus orthorhynchus / straightbeak buttercup
- 5 (to 8) bright, shiny yellow petals with long pedicels
- many stamens and pistils
- large, compound leaves with 3-5 pointy-lobed leaflets
- found in wet areas including irrigation ditches
Rosa spp. / wild rose
- deep red (to pink) flowers; wonderfully fragrant
- understory shrub in wetter areas
- flowers mid-summer
Rudbeckia occidentals / western coneflower
- dark cone-shaped flower head - like a sunflower without petals
- ring of yellow "bumps" visible during pollination time
- "cones" about 1" but double that when in seed.
- usually a tall plant with sunflower-like leaves
- alternate (not opposite) leaves
Sabulina nuttallii / Nuttall’s sandwort
- small, glandular-pubescent perennial
- trailing stems form mats
- thin, rigid, needle-like leaves, about ½" long
- small, white, 5-petaled flowers in terminal clusters
- 5 green, pointy sepals
- sagebrush hills to alpine slopes, and especially on gravelly benches or talus
Shepherdia canadensis / Canadian buffaloberry
- deciduous shrub, opposite branches and leaves; understory
- trichomes (hairs) on lower, often upper surfaces.
- lower surface has rust-colored scales
- teeny yellowish flowers before leaves appear; male and female on separate plants
- red or orange, oval fruits with one stony seed; soapy when crushed
Streptopus amplexifolius / white twisted-stalk
- creeping herb
- oval, clasping leaves; parallel veins; sharp tip
- pronounced stem "kink" at each node gives twisted look
- drooping, cream-colored flowers, 6 recurved tepals, borne singly
- single, elongated red berries in fall
- found in moist undergrowth
Taraxia tanacetifolia / tansyleaf evening primrose
- single, sessile, bright yellow, cup shaped flowers; 4 petals
- grows as a rosette, flat to the ground
- leaves are up to 12 inches long; very deeply lobed
- still blooming in mid-October; starts in mid summer
- grows on sandy/gravelly soil, e.g. drying lake beds
Tragopogon spp. / salsify
- large yellow inflorescence with pointy sepals extending past the "flower"
- grass-like leaves
- non-native, weed
- widespread
Tripleurospermum inodorum / scentless chamomile
- daisy-like blossoms with finely divided leaves
- central disk shape changes from button- to dome- to hemisphere- with age
- ray petals droop as disk expands
- leaves don't smell when crushed
Vaccinium membranaceum / thinleaf huckleberry
- understory shrub, locally dominant
- oval, alternate leaves
- very small white/pink urn-shaped flowers
- flowers in axils on red/yellow new growth
- fruit - a bluish/purple to black, ¼" berry
Vaccinium scoparium / grouse whortleberry
- low growing deciduous shrub
- clonally spreading
- green twigs and small (3/4 inch), oval, light green leaves
- teeny, pendant, urn-shaped white/pink flowers
- red berries in fall
Viola adunca / hooked violet
- early spring, low to ground
- small violet (blue) flowers with small white beards, small reddish spur
- heart-shaped leaves
- generally in somewhat moist areas
Showing 37–48 of 51 results