single flower
Showing 13–24 of 51 results
Clematis occidentalis / purple clematis
- grows as a vine with hairy stems - on ground, over logs or up trees
- leaves are trifoliate
- flowers have 4 "petals" and hang down (nodding)
- thick central core of stamens and pistils
Convulvulus arvensis / field bindweed
- prostrate and twining vine with white "morning-glory" flowers
- may be so dense as to choke out other plants
- roadsides, agricultural fields, waste areas
- "noxious" in Idaho
Dicentra uniflora / steer’s head
- looks like a very small, peach-colored long-horned steer's skull
- leaves are 3-fold compound; leaflets deeply divided
- leaves and flowers appear to be separate plants
- on rocky, vernally-moist slopes right at snowmelt
- considered hard to find but not rare
Epilobium ciliatum / common willow-weed
- small flowers... pink to purple to white
- four, very deeply notched petals
- narrow, very long fruit; downy seeds
Eremogone congesta / sandwort
- very small (teeny) white flowers in a ball-like arrangement
- tufts of pointy-tipped needle-like leaves 3" or less long
- cushion plant
- dry, rocky or sandy soils, rock crevices
Erythronium grandiflorum / glacier lily
- striking, yellow, six tepals - recurved and nodding
- large, yellow or red anthers, a single pistil
- two large green basal leaves
- early spring
Fritillaria pudica / yellow fritillary
- small, lovely, unprepossessing lily
- a few, long, narrow leaves
- a single (or two) yellow, bell-shaped flower
- flowers turn brick red as they age
- blooms just after snowmelt and disappears quickly
Gagea serotina / Snowdon lily
Geranium viscossisimum / sticky geranium
- mauve to pink to red to white flowers
- sticky stems
- bee and butterfly pollination
- exploding seed capsules
Helenium autumnale / common sneezeweed
- 2" flower head with nearly spherical central disk; numerous yellow rays
- found in moist areas in full or partial sun
- sessile or clasping lance shaped leaves on an angled and winged stem
Helianthella uniflora / little sunflower
- short (for a sunflower)
- a single yellow, sun flower at the top of a hairy stem
- flowers are only 2-3 inches across
- leaves generally opposite with 3 prominent veins
- exposed on hillsides; shallow, but well-drained soil
Heliomeris multiflora / showy goldeneye
- a "Doggone" Yellow Composite (DYC) with 5-14 ray florets; golden dome of disc florets
- multi-stemmed perennial forms clumps
- often seen in profusion (but not always)
- long, thin, lanceolate to linear leaves; maybe with a few small teeth along the edges
- leaves have a strong midrib vein and distinct side veins
Showing 13–24 of 51 results