single flower
Showing 1–12 of 51 results
Agoseris aurantiaca / orange mountain dandelion
- unusual burnt-orange color
- basically - looks like an orange dandelion
- linear leaves - unlike the "real" dandelion
Agoseris glauca / yellow false dandelion
- yellow, dandelion-like flower - same size and color
- long-ish, thin leaves growing at ground level (a rosette); no lobes or pointy bits
- blooms in spring and summer
- shade intolerant but on sites ranging from moderately dry to wet
Aphyllon franciscanum / yellow-clustered broomrape
- tubular yellow, 5 petalled flowers
- short (6")
- no leaves at all, ever
- very hairy stems and flowers
- parasitic, especially on buckwheats
Aquilegia coerulea / Colorado blue columbine
- blue to white to pink or yellow tinged
- long spurs (tails) as long as the petals are large
- blooms late spring and July (stragglers in August)
Argentina anserina / silverweed
- silvery, compound leaves on low, creeping stems
- yellow, 5+ petaled flowers; lots of stamens
- fens, other wetlands, but also roadsides
Balsamorhiza macrophylla / cutleaf balsamroot
- large, yellow, sunflower-like blossom
- large, dissected/lobed/compound-looking leaves
- up to 40" tall
- roadsides or hillsides with arrowleaf balsamroot and Wyethia
Balsamorhiza sagittata / arrowleaf balsamroot
- large, bright yellow, sunflower-like blossoms in early spring
- very large, more or less triangular basal leaves
- leaves appear silvery, or grey-green due to leaf hairs
- on open, fairly dry hillsides and ridges, often with sagebrush
Calypso bulbosa / eastern fairy-slipper
- pink/magenta/mauve/purple orchid
- lighter lower lip highlighted with purple veins; star-like petals and sepals
- pointy bract behind flower
- single oval, wrinkled leaf at ground level
- about 6 inches tall
Centaurea maculosa / spotted knapweed
- "vibrant" pink flowers
- dark tips on the sepals ("bud scales") - the "spotted" in the name
- biennial - rosette of leaves in first year
- officially a noxious weed
Cercocarpus ledifolius / curl-leaf mountain mahogany
Cirsium hookerianum / Hooker’s thistle
- clearly a thistle, but with white flowers
- native but not plentiful
- seen at Mahogany Creek in mid-August
Clematis hirsutissima / hairy clematis
- striking, purple, upside-down vase
- four hairy sepals (not actually petals) fused to make the vase
- one flower per stem
- leaves divided into narrow leaflets
- moist or seasonally moist meadows
Showing 1–12 of 51 results