one to several flowers
Showing 25–36 of 68 results
Eremogone capillaris / fescue sandwort
- five petals, white, in clusters of ca. 3 flowers per stalk
- prominent stamens with large anthers
- grass-like (fescue-like) opposite leaves
- in clumps or mats, in rock cracks and rocky meadows
- alpine and subalpine
Erigeron speciosus / aspen fleabane
- prolific purple-ish flowers with many "petals" and a yellow center
- forest openings and edges, meadows
- late blooming - a "fall aster"
Erythranthe lewisii / Lewis’s monkeyflower
- pink to magenta with floral tube, two lips and yellow nectar guides
- usually stream-side in dense clumps
- striking
Fragaria vesca / woodland strawberry
- trifoliate, light green markedly toothed leaves
- clusters of hairy, 5-petaled white flowers on a soft-hairy stem
- plants spread by stolons
- fruit (if any) red with bumps where the seeds are
- spring/early summer bloom
- widespread
Fritillaria atropurpurea / spotted fritillary
- uncommon, difficult to find, hard to see
- six "petal" nodding flower - yellow with dark purple spots
- six bright yellow anthers
- few, grass-like leaves
- usually growing in the [plant] litter at the edge of a forest
Galium borealis / northern bedstraw
- teeny 4-petaled white flowers in small to large clusters
- two pairs of opposite leaves in a whorl around the stem
- linear leaves - like rosemary
- smooth stems... not hairy or sticky like other bedstraws
Gentian affinis / pleated gentian
- brilliantly blue, funnel-shaped flowers
- petals (lobes) pointed, joined by ragged plaits
- flowers in clumps or singly at tops of stems
- leaves lanceolate and opposite on square stems.
- found in a variety of wet sites
Gentiana calycosa / explorer’s gentian
- opposite, sessile leaves on unbranched stems; clonal
- deep blue funnel-shaped flowers with white throats and yellow spots
- 5 pointed petals with fringed pleats between them
- in wetter areas at higher elevations
Geranium richardsonii / Richardson’s geranium
- white, or sometimes pink-ish, flowers
- non-sticky stems
- bee and butterfly pollination
- exploding seed capsules
Geum macrophyllum / largeleaf avens
- yellow, 5-petaled flowers; not glossy
- many long styles in green center
- fruits look like little marbles covered with red velcro
- fruits and flowers present at the same time
- deeply divided, sessile leaves on flowering stems
Hieracium aurantiaca / orange hawkweed
- orange dandelion-like flower
- petals square ended with small notches
- hairy leaves, stems and involucres
- found in many habitats, sometimes in excess
Showing 25–36 of 68 results