Showing 13–20 of 20 results
Prunus virginiana / western chokecherry
- oval leaves with serrated margins and abrupt taper at tip
- reddish twigs with prominent lenticels
- drooping clumps of white flowers w/ yellow centers in spring
- red to black cherries in fall, up to ½ inch diameter
- leaves turn orange or yellow in fall
Ranunculus adoneus / alpine buttercup
- short, high altitude plant
- rocks or moist meadows
- yellow "buttercuppy" flowers, 5-10 petals
- huge numbers of stigmas
- highly lobed, finely dissected leaves
Ribes aureum / golden current
- shrub up to 10 feet tall
- spring bloomer, golden yellow flower in clusters
- small, maple-like leaves
- 1/2 inch berries in late summer, golden to black
Ribes hudsonianum / northern black currant
- moist wooded areas, streambanks
- erect, spike-like inflorescences with up to 50 white flowers
- bitter berries, ripening to black
- leaves and stems covered with resinous glands
- leaves 3-5 lobed, glandular below
- smells bad
Senecio integerrimus / tall western groundsel
- early spring to early summer, often with larkspur
- bright yellow flower head with several, disheveled looking blossoms
- only 5-13 ray florets (petals)
- cobwebby hairy basal leaves, especially when young
- seasonally moist areas, from sagebrush to higher parts of the fen
Senecio triangularis / arrowleaf ragwort
- leafy stems with arrow-shaped, coarse-toothed leaves
- often in large patches on moist soil
- clusters of yellow flower heads, each with 8-ish untidy ray florets
- numerous green involucral bracts, sometimes with black tips
- largest leaves occur mid-stem
Solidago missouriensis / Missouri goldenrod
- perennial herb, up to 40" tall
- inflorescence is a branching panicle with many (≥200) yellow flower heads
- involucres are ¼ long with 3 or 4 layers of narrow, pointed, hairless, yellow-green bracts
- leaves are thin and lanceolate, upright and rigid with prominent midribs
- upper leaves have pronounced but small teeth
Veronica wyomingensis / Wyoming kittentails
- alpine or subalpine (mostly); rocky outcrops
- short
- elliptical leaves with sharp toothed edges
- red/purple many-flowered inflorescence
Showing 13–20 of 20 results