
Showing 13–20 of 20 results

  • Pedicularis bracteosa / towering lousewort

    • dense, narrow inflorescence on upper half of stem
    • yellow, beak-like flowers with upper and lower lips
    • flowers from bottom to top
    • conspicuous, fern-like leaves
    • old flowers become light brown but remain on stalk
  • Pedicularis groenlandica / elephant head

    • flowers range from pink to purple or white
    • flowers each have a long, pointed, upward curving beak like an elephant's trunk and lateral lobes that look like elephant's ears
    • sharply-toothed fernlike leaves
    • wet environments in late June, early July
  • Penstemon eatonii / firecracker penstemon

    • roadsides, especially revegetated by DOT
    • 2" brilliantly red, tubular flowers
    • mostly basal leaves, ovate to lanceolate, leathery
  • Phalaris arundinacea / reed canarygrass

    • large, coarse, erect grass
    • long, flat blades with pointy tips...  from base
    • distinct ligule—membranous and long
    • large but compact inflorescences (panicles)
    • often in dense monocultures, e.g. on river banks
  • Pterospora andromedea / woodland pinedrops

    • sticky-haired, reddish brown plant; no chlorophyll
    • nodding, yellow and pink flowers like upside-down urns
    • unbranched stem with "invisible" scale-like leaves at base
    • old, woody stalks with pumpkin-shaped capsules persist at least one season
    • in pine or mixed conifer forests
  • Solidago canadensis / goldenrod

    • large sprays of yellow flowers in late summer and fall
    • often tall and in large colonies
    • lance-shaped, toothed leaves
    • mostly (but not always) in disturbed areas
  • Sorbus scopulina / western mountain ash

    • moderate sized shrub with pinnately compound leaves
    • 9-13 leaflets per leaf (usually)
    • teeny white flowers in large rounded clusters
    • yellow berries in August become bright red in September
    • rocky hillsides, creek sides, open woods
  • Tanacetum vulgare / tansy

    • yellow, somewhat flattened, button-like flowers
    • pretty clearly in the aster family
    • camphor-ish smell
    • finely divided, fern-like compound leaves

Showing 13–20 of 20 results