
Showing 1–12 of 20 results

  • Angelica arguta / Lyall’s angelica

    • white to yellow to pink-ish
    • compound umbel with teeny individual flowers
    • many-toothed compound leaves with sheath surrounding petiole
    • leaflets egg-shaped to narrowly oval
    • pungent parsley/celery/anise scent when leaves crushed
  • Artemisia tridentata / mountain big sagebrush

    • medium-sized grey-green shrub
    • highly aromatic
    • tall, spikey inflorescences with many clusters of invisible flowers
    • limited to drier habitats (not the Valley basin)
  • Barbarea vulgaris / yellow rocket

    • showy yellow brassica with relatively large flowers
    • leaves deeply lobed with larger terminal lobe, smaller toward top of stems
    • common on roadsides and waste places in spring
    • siliques about an inch long and curving upward, with beaks and pedicels
  • Bassia scoparia / burningbush

    • large, annual herb (forb)
    • leaves long-ish and narrow
    • inflorescence a highly branched spike with teeny green/yellow flowers
    • may form huge, invasive colonies
    • whole plant turns red in fall
    • a tumbleweed
    • especially in disturbed areas and wastelands in the Valley
  • Carduus nutans / musk thistle

    • quite large, very purple flower heads
    • spiny everything... leaves, stems, bracts
    • biennial - large rosette of nasty leaves in first year
    • dandelion-like fruit that flies away like the down of a thistle
    • disturbed lands... pastures, wastelands, roadsides, construction sites
  • Cicuta douglasii / water hemlock

    • primarily on continuously wet soils, e.g. ditches, stream banks, pond margins, marshes.
    • white compound umbel inflorescence typical of the Apiaceae/Umbelliferae
    • multiply compound leaves with prominent veins ending in notches between lobes
  • Erysimum cheiranthoides / wormseed wallflower

    • yellow, 4-petaled flower, less than 1/3 inch across
    • lance shaped or elliptical, sessile leaves varying little in size or shape
    • leaf margins entire or coarsely toothed
    • ribbed stems
    • ascending or erect siliques with short pedicels
    • disturbed and waste areas
  • Hedysarum occidentale / western sweetvetch

    • tall legume with hot pink flowers
    • inflorescence several inches long; up to 80 flowers
    • pinnately compound leaves with 9-21, inch-long leaflets
    • higher elevations on drier, more rocky soils
  • Hesperis matronalis / dame’s rocket

    • biennial, 3+ feet tall in second year
    • 4-petaled flowers, especially purple or lavender
    • large inflorescences with many flowers
    • garden escapee
    • roadsides, waste places
  • Ligusticum filicinum / fern-leaf licorice root

    • found at higher altitudes in moister, forest areas
    • compound umbel with white flowers in comparatively widely spaced umbellets
    • large, very finely divided leaves; leaflets long and thin - "fern-like"
  • Lupinus spp. / silvery and silky lupins

    • palmately compound, usually silvery-green leaves
    • 5-9 leaflets per leaf; long petioles
    • flowers on long, spikey racemes, blooming from bottom upward
    • numerous flowers, but all rather teeny; most purple or blue
    • flowers are above the leaves
    • seeds in short, hairy pods
  • Onobrychis viciifolia / sainfoin

    • forage legume, taller than alfalfa
    • pink pea-like flowers with striped banner petal and darker keel
    • spiky inflorescence (a raceme) blooming from bottom up - up to 50 flowers
    • pinnately compound leaves with single terminal leaflet
    • naturalized with sagebrush and mountain shrubs, but also in the central Valley

Showing 1–12 of 20 results