
Showing all 10 results

  • Angelica arguta / Lyall’s angelica

    • white to yellow to pink-ish
    • compound umbel with teeny individual flowers
    • many-toothed compound leaves with sheath surrounding petiole
    • leaflets egg-shaped to narrowly oval
    • pungent parsley/celery/anise scent when leaves crushed
  • Cicuta douglasii / water hemlock

    • primarily on continuously wet soils, e.g. ditches, stream banks, pond margins, marshes.
    • white compound umbel inflorescence typical of the Apiaceae/Umbelliferae
    • multiply compound leaves with prominent veins ending in notches between lobes
  • Heracleum maximum / cow parsnip

    • very tall - stands above most other herbs and forbs
    • huge leaves with clasping sheaths at the stem junction
    • leaves lobed and like a very large maple
    • huge flat umbels with white flowers
    • grooved, woolly, stout stem
  • Ligusticum filicinum / fern-leaf licorice root

    • found at higher altitudes in moister, forest areas
    • compound umbel with white flowers in comparatively widely spaced umbellets
    • large, very finely divided leaves; leaflets long and thin - "fern-like"
  • Lomatium dissectum / fernleaf biscuitroot

    • blooms soon after snowmelt
    • yellow or purple-ish flowers in compound umbels
    • highly divided, fern-like leaves
    • rocks, rocky soils, sagebrush communities
  • Lomatium triternatum / nineleaf biscuitroot

    • flowers soon after snowmelt
    • yellow compound umbel on leafless stem
    • leaves are three-fold compound; leaflets grass-like
    • may be tall with wide umbels on good soil
    • may be very short with small umbels on rocky, sandy, low nutrient soil
  • Orogenia linearifolia / Indian potato

    • spring ephemeral, found only at snowmelt
    • very small plant, teeny flowers and teeny umbels
    • white flowers with purple dots (stamens)
    • grass-like leaves
  • Osmorhiza spp / sweet cicely

    • broad compound, bluntly toothed, fern-like leaves 3 times compoundly divided
    • compound umbels of tiny white flowers; May-June
    • short, understory herb
  • Perideridia montana / Gairdners yampah

    • white, compound umbel (like all the rest of the family)
    • apparently leafless much of the time, especially when blooming
  • Zizia aptera / golden Alexanders

    • yellow, compound umbel infloresecence
    • basal leaves are heart-shaped
    • blooms in early to late spring

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