
Showing all 6 results

  • Bistorta bistortoides / American bistort

    • rocky areas, tundra/alpine
    • inflorescence a 2" dense cylinder with many teeny white flowers
    • notable protruding stamens
    • leaves basal, long/thin and leathery
  • Eriogonom spp. / wild buckwheat

    • short, with small leaves close to the ground
    • leaves persistent in winter, green and red
    • blossoms - cute little buttons that look like dried flowers; long-lasting
    • inflorescence - umbel or compound umbel
    • may be white, cream, yellow, pink, red; changeable with age
  • Persicaria amphibia / water smartweed

    • shocking pink flower clusters
    • oval, leathery leaves
    • either submerged or on stream or pond banks
  • Polygonum aviculare / prostrate knotweed

    • long, prostrate stems around a central point
    • copious red-edged white flowers
    • small green leaves
    • along roadsides, parking lots and wherever trampling occurs
    • an ugly weed you'll see on most of your walks around town
  • Rumex acetosella / sheep sorrel

    • long, vertical inflorescences... not compact or well "organized"
    • female plants with red/maroon flowers; males with green/white flowers
    • especially visible when seeds are ripe... red
    • basal rosette of arrowhead shaped leaves
    • disturbed areas, wastelands, poor sites
  • Rumex crispus / curly dock

    • rather large, lance-shaped leaves
    • curly leaf margins, like crisped bacon or "crinkly-wavy"
    • tall flowering stalks with many, many small yellow/green-ish flowers
    • fruits are just like the flowers but deep red
    • widespread and very much a weed

Showing all 6 results