
Showing all 7 results

  • Collomia linearis / tiny trumpet

    • teeny, tubular, lilac to white flowers
    • flowers in clusters at top of stem in a basket of leaves
    • velvety stem; long, narrow, lance-shaped leaves
  • Ipomopsis aggregata / scarlet gilia

    • bright red (usually), elongated, trumpet-like flowers; 5 petals
    • late season (July, August) flowers may be white
    • highly divided, comb-like leaves
    • pollination by hummingbirds (red forms) and moths (white, late forms)
    • smells bad but tastes good
  • Microsteris gracilis / slender phlox

    • everything about it is teeny
    • white or pink, 5-petal flowers ca. 2 mm diameter
    • exposed, in early spring (ephemeral)
  • Phlox diffusa / spreading phlox

    • low, spreading, moss-like (before blooming)
    • flowers 5-petaled, a variety of colors, and with a tube below the petals
    • many habitat types incl. mountain slopes, rocky terrain, dry forests or with sagebrush
    • blooms in early spring to early summer
    • confusable with P. hoodii
  • Phlox hoodii / spiny phlox

    • half-inch, five (or four) petaled flower with yellow center
    • low to ground, mat forming, moss-like
    • tightly packed, narrow, spiny leaves
    • blooms in very early spring, just after snowmelt
    • with sagebrush on dry, rocky soils
  • Phlox longifolia / longleaf phlox

    • white or pink to almost rose flowers
    • blooms in spring, sometimes through to August
    • common on disturbed and undisturbed sites
  • Polemonium occidentale / western Jacob’s ladder

    • brilliantly blue flowers with bright yellow anthers, in clusters
    • pinnately compound leaves with up to 27 narrow, lance-shaped leaflets
    • most leaves on separate stems from the flowers
    • usually in wetlands

Showing all 7 results