
Showing all 9 results

  • Calypso bulbosa / eastern fairy-slipper

    • pink/magenta/mauve/purple orchid
    • lighter lower lip highlighted with purple veins; star-like petals and sepals
    • pointy bract behind flower
    • single oval, wrinkled leaf at ground level
    • about 6 inches tall
  • Corallorhiza maculata / spotted coralroot

    • short, brown/red leafless flowering stalk, often in clumps
    • intricate all brown/red-ish flowers except for a white lower lip, with reddish spots
    • in conifer or aspen forest understory
  • Corallorhiza striata / striped coralroot

    • short and purple - no green bits
    • forest understory
    • up to 35 flowers per stalk; often many stalks together
    • flowers have 5 pointy, purple striped "petals" and one darker lower lip petal
  • Corallorhiza wisteriana / spring coralroot

    • small, easily missed in the forest duff
    • no leaves, no green parts
    • flowers have white lips, possible spots, no eared tabs
    • scape (flowering stalk) purple, or yellow, or brown
    • may stay dormant for years at a time
  • Goodyera oblongifolia / western rattlesnake plantain

    • basal rosette of blue-green leaves with a white midvein
    • single, leafless inflorescence stem
    • greenish-white, stalkless flowers, often in a spiral
    • the flowers have a hood, a short, pouch-like lip, and 2 flaring sepals
    • usually found on the floor of coniferous forests
  • Neottia banksiana / northwestern twayblade

    • orchid - with two stem-clasping leaves halfway up the stem
    • moist, dim understory habitat, in clonal patches
    • very small green orchid flower - 5 sickle-shaped petals and sepals, 1 broader green labellum (lip)
    • small, insignificant and easily overlooked
  • Plantanthera unalascensis / slender-spire orchid

    • teeny, green flowers, well-separated, not spiraled
    • a "tall, thin, green nothing"
    • basal leaves prostrate, but not appressed to the ground
    • leaves often wither before pollination occurs
    • found in many different habitats
  • Platanthera dilatata / white bog orchid

    • dense cluster of bright white, clove or cinnamon scented flowers
    • 2 wing-like sepals, a hood, and a lower lip with a spur
    • 3-6 principle leaves... alternate, lance-shaped
    • in boggy wet areas
  • Platanthera huronensis / green bog orchid

    • usually in bogs, fens, wetlands
    • up to two feet tall, but often shorter
    • thick, nearly vertical leaves with parallel veins (i.e. grass-like)
    • up to 75 very small flowers per stem (raceme)
    • flowers -light green to greenish-white; two petals, three sepals, a lip and club-like spur
    • lip is not pouch-like

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