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Hydrophyllum capitatum / ballhead waterleaf
- leaves to 10" tall, deeply lobed (7-11 lobes)
- globe of purple-blue-white flowers below the leaves or at ground level
- flowers are fuzzy while still in bud
- rocky, shady, seasonally moist sites
Phacelia heterophylla / varied leaf scorpionweed
- spirally arranged, teeny white flowers with very long stamens
- flowers turn brown soon after opening
- all parts of the plant are hairy
- not all that common, but widespread
Phacelia sericea / silky phacelia
- deep purple flowers with really long stamens and orange anthers
- many flowers arranged in a tight coil up to 2 feet long
- silky, divided (fern-like) leaves
- exposed, higher altitude, rocky places; often with sagebrush
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