
Showing all 5 results

  • Chimaphila umbellata / pipsissewa

    • small herb/forb
    • shiny, toothed lance point leaves
    • half-inch, pink and white, upside down flowers
    • flowers in umbel like cluster
    • flowers with minimally visible style
  • Orthilia secunda / sidebell wintergreen

    • evergreen herb or sub-shrub
    • boggy understory and forest stream banks
    • basal, egg-shaped leaves with prominent veins
    • very small to teeny creamy or green-ish flowers all on one side of stem
  • Pterospora andromedea / woodland pinedrops

    • sticky-haired, reddish brown plant; no chlorophyll
    • nodding, yellow and pink flowers like upside-down urns
    • unbranched stem with "invisible" scale-like leaves at base
    • old, woody stalks with pumpkin-shaped capsules persist at least one season
    • in pine or mixed conifer forests
  • Pyrola asarifolia / pink pyrola

    • 4 to 25 nodding red (or pink) and white flowers in a loose raceme
    • round petals, edges often curved down
    • green style extends out of flower like elephant's trunk
    • flower stems may be over a foot tall
    • leaves are "liver" shaped or "ginger" shaped and shiny - round-ish but wider than long
  • Vaccinium scoparium / grouse whortleberry

    • low growing deciduous shrub
    • clonally spreading
    • green twigs and small (3/4 inch), oval, light green leaves
    • teeny, pendant, urn-shaped white/pink flowers
    • red berries in fall

Showing all 5 results