
Showing 13–20 of 20 results

  • Hesperis matronalis / dame’s rocket

    • biennial, 3+ feet tall in second year
    • 4-petaled flowers, especially purple or lavender
    • large inflorescences with many flowers
    • garden escapee
    • roadsides, waste places
  • Nasturtium officinale / watercress

    • emergent aquatic in slow-ish flowing steams
    • four petaled white flowers in clusters
    • thick, shiny leaves
    • often in dense colonies
  • Noccea fendleri ssp. idahoensis / wild candytuft

    • white crucifer, four petals in two parallel rows
    • flowers in terminal clusters
    • basal rosette leaves with a few on the stalks
    • wetter areas
  • Physaria spp / twinpods

    • yet another very small yellow crucifer/brassica
    • densely hairy leaves, tapering to a petiole
    • bloom in early spring on minimal soil in rocky places
    • fruit characteristics TBPL
  • Rhamphospermum arvense / Charlock

    • yellow-flowered brassica; flowers larger than most mustards
    • large-ish leaves with toothed margins
    • erect stems; look for a reddish purple ring at stem junctions
    • disturbed areas, road sides and waste places; prefers high nutrients
    • 1" siliques point out or up, but not down
  • Sisymbrium altissimum / tumble mustard

    • inflorescence a raceme with yellow, teeny flowers
    • long, thin seed pods (siliques)
    • blooms throughout the spring and summer
    • shoots look like a bunch of sticks glued together
    • dries and breaks off, then tumbles
  • Thlaspi arvense / field pennycress

    • inflorescence a raceme with white, teeny flowers
    • oval seed pods ca. 1/3" across
    • blooms late spring and summer
    • continues blooming as pods fill from older flowers
    • common weed in disturbed habitats including cultivated land
  • Turritis glabra / tower mustard

    • long (3"-ish) stick-like seedpods, erect and hugging the stem
    • nondescript mustard-family 4 petalled flowers in a cluster at the top
    • tall stem with leaves clasping the stem (no petioles)
    • generally in exposed, dry habitats

Showing 13–20 of 20 results