Showing 1–12 of 60 results
Achillea millefolium / yarrow
- common - white umbrella-type flower
- feathery leaves
- clonal; often found in patches
Agoseris aurantiaca / orange mountain dandelion
- unusual burnt-orange color
- basically - looks like an orange dandelion
- linear leaves - unlike the "real" dandelion
Agoseris glauca / yellow false dandelion
- yellow, dandelion-like flower - same size and color
- long-ish, thin leaves growing at ground level (a rosette); no lobes or pointy bits
- blooms in spring and summer
- shade intolerant but on sites ranging from moderately dry to wet
Anaphalis margaritacea / pearly everlasting
- hairy leaves and stems, often in dense colonies
- inflorescences dominated by white involucral bracts
- actual flowers are small, yellow and in the center
- commonly on dry soils
- great for dried flower arrangements
Antennaria spp. / pussytoes
- small clusters of white flowers, often fringed with red
- flowers look like a cat's toes, sort of
- newest leaves silvery/hairy
- exposed, in many different habitats
Arctium minus / lesser burdock
- purple to pink to lavender thistle-like flowers with hooked bracts
- nasty hooked seed heads
- very large, heart-shaped leaves
- found in a wide variety of disturbed areas
Arnica cordifolia / heartleaf arnica
- yellow, daisy-like flowers; 1-2 per shoot
- opposite, heart shaped leaves; long petioles; 2-4 pair per stem
- large clonal colonies with many flowering and non-flowering shoots
- the dominant ground cover in moderate shade in many forests
Artemisia absinthium / wormwood
- deeply lobed leaves; grey-green (hairy); aromatic (like sage)
- stems to 4' tall; up to 20 per plant
- small clusters of teeny yellow flowers in drooping heads
- disturbed areas and may be weedy
Artemisia cana / silver sagebrush
- Low perennial, silvery shrub
- Highly aromatic, like sagebrush
- Entire leaves - no lobes
- Nondescript, inconspicuous flowers in small clusters with leaf-like bracts
- Grows in more moist habitat than other Artemisia spp.
Artemisia ludoviciana / white sage
- low, spreading perennial - up to 3 feet tall
- silvery leaves and stems (hairy)
- leaves lance shaped, but sometimes lobed
- shoots die back in winter
- aromatic
Artemisia rigida / stiff sagebrush
- low growing deciduous shrub
- short, 3-5 lobed, grey leaves (hairy)
- mild to pungently aromatic leaves
- brittle branches up to 16 inches long
Artemisia tridentata / mountain big sagebrush
- medium-sized grey-green shrub
- highly aromatic
- tall, spikey inflorescences with many clusters of invisible flowers
- limited to drier habitats (not the Valley basin)
Showing 1–12 of 60 results