
Showing all 7 results

  • Lonicera involucrata / twinberry honeysuckle

    • flowers - inconspicuous, paired, yellow, bell-shaped with green bracts
    • leaves - opposite, oval, often hairy beneath
    • fruit - a pair of blue-black/purple berries with red, winglike bracts
    • multi-stemmed shrub - to 15 feet tall
  • Lonicera utahensis / Utah honeysuckle

    • flowers - white or cream, in pairs, bell-shaped, nodding
    • fruit - bright red berries in pairs, fused at the base
    • no noticeable bracts on either flowers or berries
    • short-ish shrub, multi-stemmed
    • understory, especially in moist forests
  • Sambucus nigra / common elderberry

    • shrub or small tree blooming in late spring
    • leaves opposite
    • pinnately compound with up to 9 leaflets with serrated edges
    • flowers are white, 5-petaled, in flat-topped clusters of clusters
    • "berries" are red or dark blue/black in August; often drooping when mature
  • Symphiocarpos oreophilus / mountain snowberry

    • small pink (or white) bell or funnel shaped flowers, singly or in pairs
    • shrub - upright or spreading
    • most visible in late summer when the white "berries" ripen
    • in the open or in canopy gaps; along the sides Forest Service roads
  • Valeriana dioica / wood valerian

    • perennial herb, up to 18"
    • stem leaves lobed with egg-shaped "leaflets"
    • inflorescence - compact, round-topped umbel-like cluster; white flowers
    • flowers are teeny! ca. 1/8" with protruding stamens
    • mostly in dry to moist forests
  • Valeriana edulis / hairy valerian

    • long-lived, herbaceous, dioecious perennial - limited to marshes and fens
    • grass-like basal leaves; pin-like lobed, stem leaves
    • teeny male flowers, white with five fused petals
    • sub-millimeter female flowers
    • male and female flowers usually on different plants
    • overall plant stands out above wetland grasses, rushes etc.
  • Valeriana sitchensis / Sitka valerian

    • rhizomatous perennial - possibly in large colonies
    • sizable head of small white flowers; 5 petals
    • stamens extend beyond petals
    • leaves opposite, deeply lobed (almost compound)

Showing all 7 results