Showing 85–96 of 109 results
Ranunculus aquatilis / common water crowfoot
- found in slowly flowing water ways, ditches, ponds
- white, waxy flowers with yellow centers; 4 or 5 petals
- flowers raised a couple inches above the water surface
- usually grows in dense mats that look a lot like slime
Ribes hudsonianum / northern black currant
- moist wooded areas, streambanks
- erect, spike-like inflorescences with up to 50 white flowers
- bitter berries, ripening to black
- leaves and stems covered with resinous glands
- leaves 3-5 lobed, glandular below
- smells bad
Ribes viscosissimum / sticky currant
- shrub to 7 feet tall
- stem and leaves covered with sticky, glandular hairs
- white, bell-like flowers in drooping or erect clusters (up to 15)
- rough leaves, 3-5 equal lobes, toothed margins
- fragrant flowers and leaves
Rubus parviflorus / thimbleberry
- raspberry-like shrub usually in a clump
- white flowers with many stamens, up to 2.5 inches diameter
- large, fuzzy maple-like leaves
- blooms in spring; red, raspberry-like fruit in the fall
Sabulina nuttallii / Nuttall’s sandwort
- small, glandular-pubescent perennial
- trailing stems form mats
- thin, rigid, needle-like leaves, about ½" long
- small, white, 5-petaled flowers in terminal clusters
- 5 green, pointy sepals
- sagebrush hills to alpine slopes, and especially on gravelly benches or talus
Senecio integerrimus / tall western groundsel
- early spring to early summer, often with larkspur
- bright yellow flower head with several, disheveled looking blossoms
- only 5-13 ray florets (petals)
- cobwebby hairy basal leaves, especially when young
- seasonally moist areas, from sagebrush to higher parts of the fen
Silene latifolia / white campion
- white, 5-petaled flowers with distinctive inflated calyx (bladder)
- flowers in clusters atop stems
- whole plant densely hairy
- widespread on alkaline soils (e.g. the Valley)
Solanum physalifolium / ground cherry nightshade
- flowers look like potato or tomato flowers
- small white, 5 recurved petals
- clump of yellow stamens protrude from flower
- triangular leaves with wedge-shaped bases
- usually sprawling on ground
Sorbus scopulina / western mountain ash
- moderate sized shrub with pinnately compound leaves
- 9-13 leaflets per leaf (usually)
- teeny white flowers in large rounded clusters
- yellow berries in August become bright red in September
- rocky hillsides, creek sides, open woods
Spiraea betulifolia / white spiraea
- short (1-3 feet), dominant shrub in forest understory
- rounded leaves with toothed outer margins
- teeny flowers in flat-topped clusters up to 5" across
- flowers are white with 5 petals and many stamens
Stuckenia pectinata / sago pondweed
- submerged aquatic - dominant in its habitat
- grass-like (but not a grass); waves in the current
- branched with ~5" pointed leaves
Symphiocarpos oreophilus / mountain snowberry
- small pink (or white) bell or funnel shaped flowers, singly or in pairs
- shrub - upright or spreading
- most visible in late summer when the white "berries" ripen
- in the open or in canopy gaps; along the sides Forest Service roads
Showing 85–96 of 109 results