
Showing 61–72 of 109 results

  • Micranthes odontoloma / brook saxifrage

    • streamsides (or in the streams) especially at higher elevations
    • white petals with beautiful red center
    • yellow/green spots on the petals
    • multiple drooping flowers on foot-long, leafless stems
  • Microsteris gracilis / slender phlox

    • everything about it is teeny
    • white or pink, 5-petal flowers ca. 2 mm diameter
    • exposed, in early spring (ephemeral)
  • Nasturtium officinale / watercress

    • emergent aquatic in slow-ish flowing steams
    • four petaled white flowers in clusters
    • thick, shiny leaves
    • often in dense colonies
  • Noccea fendleri ssp. idahoensis / wild candytuft

    • white crucifer, four petals in two parallel rows
    • flowers in terminal clusters
    • basal rosette leaves with a few on the stalks
    • wetter areas
  • Orogenia linearifolia / Indian potato

    • spring ephemeral, found only at snowmelt
    • very small plant, teeny flowers and teeny umbels
    • white flowers with purple dots (stamens)
    • grass-like leaves
  • Osmorhiza spp / sweet cicely

    • broad compound, bluntly toothed, fern-like leaves 3 times compoundly divided
    • compound umbels of tiny white flowers; May-June
    • short, understory herb
  • Oxytropis sericea / white-point vetch

    • white "pea" flowers in clusters of up to 25
    • banner petal white with purple/blue veins
    • hairy, pinnately compound leaves, all basal
    • disturbed areas, especially exposed to cold, drought, high light etc.
    • pretty, but toxic to grazing animals
  • Ozomelis stauropetala / side-flowered mitrewort

    • teeny, white, star-like flowers spaced out on one side of a leafless stem
    • basal leaves, slightly lobed
    • understory in moist woods
  • Parnassia fimbriata / fringed grass of Parnassus

    • ca. 1" flower with obviously fringed, white petals
    • flowers look very "complicated"
    • thick, rounded basal leaves
    • usually in wet places, but also alpine on rocks
  • Pedicularis contorta / curved-beak lousewort

    • alpine and subalpine habitats
    • fern-like leaves at base
    • tall, spikey inflorescence
    • white flowers with coiled upper beak and flat, 3-lobed lower lip
  • Pedicularis racemosa / leafy lousewort

    • clumps of plants with maroon stems in forest understory
    • white to pink flowers in upper leaf axils
    • flowers have beak-like upper lip and wide three-lobed lower lip
    • leaves narrow and tapering, slightly serrate, maroon when young
  • Penstemon whippleanus / dusky beardtongue

    • large-ish purple or creamy-white tubular flowers
    • from the side, flowers look like a gaping mouth; 2 lobes above, 3 below
    • flowers typically hang down in small clusters at the top of their stems
    • opposite, sessile leaves on flowering stems
    • subalpine on rocky areas, as at Darby wind cave

Showing 61–72 of 109 results