
Showing 49–60 of 109 results

  • Goodyera oblongifolia / western rattlesnake plantain

    • basal rosette of blue-green leaves with a white midvein
    • single, leafless inflorescence stem
    • greenish-white, stalkless flowers, often in a spiral
    • the flowers have a hood, a short, pouch-like lip, and 2 flaring sepals
    • usually found on the floor of coniferous forests
  • Hackelia patens / spotted stickseed

    • small (but not teeny) white, 5-petaled flowers with delicate blue stripes at bases
    • stamens arising from a "hole" in the middle of the flowers where petals are fused
    • usually around sage, in early spring
    • fruits are obnoxious - but small - burs (nutlets) that stick to everything
  • Hedysarum occidentale / western sweetvetch

    • tall legume with hot pink flowers
    • inflorescence several inches long; up to 80 flowers
    • pinnately compound leaves with 9-21, inch-long leaflets
    • higher elevations on drier, more rocky soils
  • Heracleum maximum / cow parsnip

    • very tall - stands above most other herbs and forbs
    • huge leaves with clasping sheaths at the stem junction
    • leaves lobed and like a very large maple
    • huge flat umbels with white flowers
    • grooved, woolly, stout stem
  • Hesperis matronalis / dame’s rocket

    • biennial, 3+ feet tall in second year
    • 4-petaled flowers, especially purple or lavender
    • large inflorescences with many flowers
    • garden escapee
    • roadsides, waste places
  • Leucanthemum vulgare / oxeye daisy

    • bright, white "petals", 2-3" across; yellow centers
    • s/he loves me, s/he loves me not
    • glossy green, spoon-shaped leaves in a 2 foot dome
    • may form large colonies
    • potentially wide spread
  • Ligusticum filicinum / fern-leaf licorice root

    • found at higher altitudes in moister, forest areas
    • compound umbel with white flowers in comparatively widely spaced umbellets
    • large, very finely divided leaves; leaflets long and thin - "fern-like"
  • Lithophragma parviflorum / smallflower woodland star

    • small, white (or mauve) flowers with 5 highly disected petals
    • up to 14 flowers per stalk, usually much less
    • deeply lobed, glandularly pubescent leaves at stem bases
    • spring bloomer in a wide variety of habitats
  • Maianthemum racemosum / Solomon’s plume

    • "feathery" inflorescence - panicle
    • 6 white tepals on teeny flowers
    • long-blooming in late spring, sometimes into summer
    • green berries --> red as they ripen
    • alternate, clasping leaves on erect stems
  • Maianthemum stellatum / starry false Solomon’s seal

    • blooms in late June (ish) in the Valley, mildly fragrant.
    • teeny star-shaped flowers with 6 white tepals
    • one inflorescence (raceme) per stem
    • small berries progressing from green to purple to red with maturity
    • alternate, long and narrow leaves clasping the stem
  • Melilotus spp / sweetclover

    • yellow or white, floppy, tubular flowers in long-ish clusters (racemes)
    • 3 small, pointy leaflets with petioles
    • rangy, unkempt branching
    • roadsides, waste places and sometimes in fields, grasslands
  • Mentha canadensis / American cornmint

    • crushed leaves smell like peppermint
    • clusters of teeny white-blue-pink flowers in the axils of stem leaves
    • square stems, lance-shaped leaves
    • shaded, moist areas
    • may form large clones

Showing 49–60 of 109 results