
Showing all 3 results

  • Myosotis asiatica / forget-me-not

    • azure blue to violet to white flowers - very small
    • yellow ring around the center of each flower, like a doughnut
    • usually many flowers in an inflorescence
    • flowers initially in compact clusters, more spread out later in season
    • leaves and stems a bit hairy
  • Sisyrinchium idahoense / Idaho blue-eyed grass

    • six blue, notched "petals" with yellow center
    • single flower; naked stem
    • narrow, grass-like, basal leaves
    • fens and wet meadows
  • Viola adunca / hooked violet

    • early spring, low to ground
    • small violet (blue) flowers with small white beards, small reddish spur
    • heart-shaped leaves
    • generally in somewhat moist areas

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