
Showing 13–24 of 26 results

  • Hordeum jubatum / foxtail barley

    • attractive roadside grass
    • long, silky, glistening awns; red, green, purple-ish
    • awns and bracts are sharp and barbed... potentially dangerous to dogs
  • Ipomopsis aggregata / scarlet gilia

    • bright red (usually), elongated, trumpet-like flowers; 5 petals
    • late season (July, August) flowers may be white
    • highly divided, comb-like leaves
    • pollination by hummingbirds (red forms) and moths (white, late forms)
    • smells bad but tastes good
  • Lonicera involucrata / twinberry honeysuckle

    • flowers - inconspicuous, paired, yellow, bell-shaped with green bracts
    • leaves - opposite, oval, often hairy beneath
    • fruit - a pair of blue-black/purple berries with red, winglike bracts
    • multi-stemmed shrub - to 15 feet tall
  • Micranthes odontoloma / brook saxifrage

    • streamsides (or in the streams) especially at higher elevations
    • white petals with beautiful red center
    • yellow/green spots on the petals
    • multiple drooping flowers on foot-long, leafless stems
  • Opuntia fragilis / brittle pricklypear

    • smallest pricklypear cactus; potato-shaped pads
    • pads separate with lightest bump
    • seldom flowers or fruits
  • Paxistima myrsinites / Oregon boxwood

    • low shrub
    • small, opposite leaves; lightly toothed, leathery, oval
    • very early spring flowering
    • teeny flowers with 4 red petals, 4 yellow stamens; in clusters
    • usually on open, dry, sunny sites or open forests
  • Penstemon eatonii / firecracker penstemon

    • roadsides, especially revegetated by DOT
    • 2" brilliantly red, tubular flowers
    • mostly basal leaves, ovate to lanceolate, leathery
  • Polygonum aviculare / prostrate knotweed

    • long, prostrate stems around a central point
    • copious red-edged white flowers
    • small green leaves
    • along roadsides, parking lots and wherever trampling occurs
    • an ugly weed you'll see on most of your walks around town
  • Pyrola asarifolia / pink pyrola

    • 4 to 25 nodding red (or pink) and white flowers in a loose raceme
    • round petals, edges often curved down
    • green style extends out of flower like elephant's trunk
    • flower stems may be over a foot tall
    • leaves are "liver" shaped or "ginger" shaped and shiny - round-ish but wider than long
  • Rosa spp. / wild rose

    • deep red (to pink) flowers; wonderfully fragrant
    • understory shrub in wetter areas
    • flowers mid-summer
  • Rumex acetosella / sheep sorrel

    • long, vertical inflorescences... not compact or well "organized"
    • female plants with red/maroon flowers; males with green/white flowers
    • especially visible when seeds are ripe... red
    • basal rosette of arrowhead shaped leaves
    • disturbed areas, wastelands, poor sites
  • Salix glauca / grayleaf willow

    • very low-growing shrub at high altitude (alpine/subalpine)
    • rounded to lance-shaped leaves; smooth below
    • large-ish catkin inflorescences

Showing 13–24 of 26 results