
Showing 1–12 of 26 results

  • Anemone multifida / cutleaf windflower

    • usually 5 bi-colored "petals" - esp. pink or white; many stamens
    • leaves deeply cut and re-cut in 3s with rounded or pointed tips
    • stems and lower leaf surfaces usually hairy
    • gone to seed, fruits have a troll-doll look
    • on calcareous ledges, in shallow crevices or rocky outcrops; dry mountain tops or near water
  • Antennaria spp. / pussytoes

    • small clusters of white flowers, often fringed with red
    • flowers look like a cat's toes, sort of
    • newest leaves silvery/hairy
    • exposed, in many different habitats
  • Artemisia rigida / stiff sagebrush

    • low growing deciduous shrub
    • short, 3-5 lobed, grey leaves (hairy)
    • mild to pungently aromatic leaves
    • brittle branches up to 16 inches long
  • Castilleja covilleana / Rocky Mountain paintbrush

    • clearly, one of the "Indian paintbrushes"
    • early bloomer in the spring, even when quite short
    • bright red, orange (sometimes yellow) bracts
    • bracts and leaves have 3-7 deep lobes with long, soft hairs
    • often grows in clusters
  • Castilleja linariifolia / Wyoming Indian paintbrush

    • generally taller than most paintbrushes (up to 3 feet)
    • very thin leaves, seldom lobed, seldom hairy
    • red inflorescence bracts, may be lobed
    • flowers extend well beyond bracts
    • calyx is red and shorter than the corolla which is greenish yellow
    • rocky areas with sagebrush and conifer forests
  • Castilleja miniata / scarlet paintbrush

    • bright red, or orange or sometimes yellow bracts that are mistaken for flowers
    • looks like a red feather duster, but only a few inches long
    • generally low, and along streams or roadsides on hills where there is moisture
    • leaves ovoid with prominent veins, no petioles
  • Castilleja spp. / paintbrushes

    • vibrant, red (or yellow) inflorescence (bracts)
    • widespread, but confusing... five or more species in the area
  • Corallorhiza maculata / spotted coralroot

    • short, brown/red leafless flowering stalk, often in clumps
    • intricate all brown/red-ish flowers except for a white lower lip, with reddish spots
    • in conifer or aspen forest understory
  • Eriogonom spp. / wild buckwheat

    • short, with small leaves close to the ground
    • leaves persistent in winter, green and red
    • blossoms - cute little buttons that look like dried flowers; long-lasting
    • inflorescence - umbel or compound umbel
    • may be white, cream, yellow, pink, red; changeable with age
  • Gaillardia aristata / common blanketflower

    • bright red petals with yellow tips, or yellow petals the whole way
    • reddish brown central disk
    • attractive yellow seed balls with tufts of red hair all over
    • leathery, slightly hairy leaves
  • Geum triflorum / prairie smoke

    • among the earliest bloomers in the spring
    • clusters of nodding reddish, pink, maroon or purple flowers
    • flowers in groups of 3
    • distinctive fruit - like silvery-pink or mauve "troll dolls"
    • in large populations, fruiting plants look (sort of)  like smoke

Showing 1–12 of 26 results