Showing 25–36 of 38 results
Pedicularis racemosa / leafy lousewort
- clumps of plants with maroon stems in forest understory
- white to pink flowers in upper leaf axils
- flowers have beak-like upper lip and wide three-lobed lower lip
- leaves narrow and tapering, slightly serrate, maroon when young
Penstemon cyaneus / blue penstemon
- two-toned totally tubular flower (blue and pink-ish)
- early spring to at least mid-summer
- widespread in low disturbance habitats - even when rocky and "bare"
Penstemon palmeri / Palmer’s penstemon
- very tall, exposed
- pink flowers with rose/grape scent
- flowers clumped on one side of stem in groups of 4-5
- red "guidelines" (bloody fangs) on lower petals
- stem leaves opposite, clasping, like little boats
Persicaria amphibia / water smartweed
- shocking pink flower clusters
- oval, leathery leaves
- either submerged or on stream or pond banks
Phleum pratense / timothy
- tight, cylindrical flower head
- probably the most recognizable grass in the Valley
- pink stamens with prodigious pollen production in summer
- bulb at base of stem; brown leaf sheath bases
Phlox hoodii / spiny phlox
- half-inch, five (or four) petaled flower with yellow center
- low to ground, mat forming, moss-like
- tightly packed, narrow, spiny leaves
- blooms in very early spring, just after snowmelt
- with sagebrush on dry, rocky soils
Phlox longifolia / longleaf phlox
- white or pink to almost rose flowers
- blooms in spring, sometimes through to August
- common on disturbed and undisturbed sites
Primula parryi / Parry’s primrose
- striking, bright magenta (or pink) flowers with yellow centers, 5 petals
- 3 to 30 flowers per stalk
- brilliant green foliage as a rosette
- foliage releases horrible smell with the slightest touch
- typically at higher altitudes in wet places
Pterospora andromedea / woodland pinedrops
- sticky-haired, reddish brown plant; no chlorophyll
- nodding, yellow and pink flowers like upside-down urns
- unbranched stem with "invisible" scale-like leaves at base
- old, woody stalks with pumpkin-shaped capsules persist at least one season
- in pine or mixed conifer forests
Rosa spp. / wild rose
- deep red (to pink) flowers; wonderfully fragrant
- understory shrub in wetter areas
- flowers mid-summer
Symphiocarpos oreophilus / mountain snowberry
- small pink (or white) bell or funnel shaped flowers, singly or in pairs
- shrub - upright or spreading
- most visible in late summer when the white "berries" ripen
- in the open or in canopy gaps; along the sides Forest Service roads
Trifolium longipes / long-stalked clover
- a (mostly) 3-leaf clover, leaves evenly colored
- leaves long and narrow (not rounded), toothed (small) margins
- leaves on long petioles
- flower heads on long peduncles,
Showing 25–36 of 38 results