Showing 1–12 of 38 results
Allium brevistylum / short-styled onion
- clusters of 7-15 urn-shaped flowers atop a single flowering stalk
- pink with 6 tepals
- leaves much shorter than the inflorescence
- leaves grow from base and are "grass-like"
- swampy meadows and along streams
- smells like onions/garlic
Allium schoenoprasum / chives
- globe-shaped umbels of pink flowers with darker midveins (stripes)
- hollow, tubular leaves and flower stalks
- smells like onions
- grows from bulbs in clumps or sometimes individually
- wild in wetlands, fens, meadows; cultivated in gardens
Anemone multifida / cutleaf windflower
- usually 5 bi-colored "petals" - esp. pink or white; many stamens
- leaves deeply cut and re-cut in 3s with rounded or pointed tips
- stems and lower leaf surfaces usually hairy
- gone to seed, fruits have a troll-doll look
- on calcareous ledges, in shallow crevices or rocky outcrops; dry mountain tops or near water
Apocynum androsaemifolium / spreading dogbane
short and spreading perennial
oval leaves with pointed tips, prominent veins
clusters of teeny, pink, bell-shaped flowers with recurved petals
conspicuous darker pink stripes on inner surface of corolla
- exudes milky sap when stems or leaves are broken
Calypso bulbosa / eastern fairy-slipper
- pink/magenta/mauve/purple orchid
- lighter lower lip highlighted with purple veins; star-like petals and sepals
- pointy bract behind flower
- single oval, wrinkled leaf at ground level
- about 6 inches tall
Centaurea maculosa / spotted knapweed
- "vibrant" pink flowers
- dark tips on the sepals ("bud scales") - the "spotted" in the name
- biennial - rosette of leaves in first year
- officially a noxious weed
Chaenactis douglasii / Douglas dusty maiden
- leaves "woolly" or hairy; intricately divided
- leaf and lobe tips curled or twisted
- flowering stems coated with "cobwebby" hairs
- flower heads of white/pinkish tubular disk florets in a glandular cup
- forked styles protrude past tubes
- often in rocky areas and crevices
Chamerion angustifolium / fireweed
- bright pink flowers on tall inflorescence (raceme)
- flowers mature from bottom to top
- four petals
- spiral leaf arrangement - lance-shaped leaves have smooth edges
- pod-like seed capsule releases seeds to the wind
Chimaphila umbellata / pipsissewa
- small herb/forb
- shiny, toothed lance point leaves
- half-inch, pink and white, upside down flowers
- flowers in umbel like cluster
- flowers with minimally visible style
Claytonia lanceolata / lanceleaf spring beauty
- small, very early spring, ephemeral
- 5 white or pink-ish petals with pink/purple stripes
- pair of opposite leaves at mid-stem; lanceolate
Collomia linearis / tiny trumpet
- teeny, tubular, lilac to white flowers
- flowers in clusters at top of stem in a basket of leaves
- velvety stem; long, narrow, lance-shaped leaves
Dianthus armeria / Deptford pink
- PINK! 5 petaled, very small flowers
- Toothed edges; white spots on petals, numerous stamens
- Linear, opposite leaves; bases make sheath around stem
- Disturbed areas; happy enough in the worst of soils
Showing 1–12 of 38 results