Showing 25–33 of 33 results
Phlox hoodii / spiny phlox
- half-inch, five (or four) petaled flower with yellow center
- low to ground, mat forming, moss-like
- tightly packed, narrow, spiny leaves
- blooms in very early spring, just after snowmelt
- with sagebrush on dry, rocky soils
Polemonium occidentale / western Jacob’s ladder
- brilliantly blue flowers with bright yellow anthers, in clusters
- pinnately compound leaves with up to 27 narrow, lance-shaped leaflets
- most leaves on separate stems from the flowers
- usually in wetlands
Scutellaria galericulata / marsh skullcap
- riparian zones and wetlands
- blue, trumpet shaped (legume) flowers; usually in pairs on same side of a stem
- flowers not at the top of the stems
- square stems, widely spaced opposite leaves; adjacent pairs at right angles
Sisyrinchium idahoense / Idaho blue-eyed grass
- six blue, notched "petals" with yellow center
- single flower; naked stem
- narrow, grass-like, basal leaves
- fens and wet meadows
Triteleia grandiflora / wild hyacinth
- terminal cluster of several, blue (to white) funnel-shaped flowers
- 6 tepals, 3 of which look wrinkled; deep blue lines on each tepal
- only 2-3 very long thin basal leaves
- onion-like but not smelly
- mostly in grasslands - late June, early July
Veronica americana / American brooklime
- teeny, 4-petaled blue or violet-ish flowers, white centers
- in small clumps on stream banks and in other very wet areas
- may be found as a single plant or as a large and dense population - clonal
Veronica anagallis-aquatica / blue water speedwell
- small blue to mauve or lavender flowers; 4 petals
- many flowers per stalk, but only a few blooming at once
- opposite leaves tightly clasping the stems
- in standing water or slowly moving streams
Veronica officinalis / heath speedwell
- prostrate, herbaceous perennial
- hairy green stems and leaves (obvious)
- short, erect, spike-like shoots
- ¼" blue/violet flowers
- 4 petals with purple stripes
- gaps and exposed soils
Viola adunca / hooked violet
- early spring, low to ground
- small violet (blue) flowers with small white beards, small reddish spur
- heart-shaped leaves
- generally in somewhat moist areas
Showing 25–33 of 33 results