Showing 13–24 of 33 results
Hackelia micrantha / Jessica sticktight
- teeny blue flowers with yellow/white centers
- flowers appear singly or in groups above developing fruit
- inflorescence mostly on one side of the stem
- lower leaves long and narrow; upper leaves fewer and sessile
- fruit a pointy and tenacious nutlet
Hackelia spp. / stickseeds in general
- very small blue flowers
- inflorescence elongates with single flower at top
- more and more branches through the season
- nasty stickseed fruits mature below apex
Iris missouriensis / western blue flag iris
- wetland monocot - long leaves, parallel veins
- large blue flower with yellow "signal" stripe, purple veins
- 3 petals, 3 sepals make up the flower
- blooms in spring
- "like a domestic iris on a diet"
Lactuca pulchella / blue lettuce
- looks like prickly lettuce, but blue and without prickly stems or leaves
- clonal from spreading roots
Linum lewisii / wild blue flax
- intense blue, 5-petaled flowers
- red-ish or darker blue veins in petals
- buds, flowers and developing fruit present at same time
- narrow, sessile, 1 inch (ish) leaves
- especially on roadsides and in meadows in the Valley
Lupinus spp. / silvery and silky lupins
- palmately compound, usually silvery-green leaves
- 5-9 leaflets per leaf; long petioles
- flowers on long, spikey racemes, blooming from bottom upward
- numerous flowers, but all rather teeny; most purple or blue
- flowers are above the leaves
- seeds in short, hairy pods
Mertensia ciliata / mountain bluebells
- taller than others bluebells - up to four feet
- often forms dense stands by streams and seeps
- flowers dark blue, bell-shaped, held on one side of stem
- leaves blue-green, pointed, with prominent veins, marginal pointy hairs
Mertensia oblongifolia / sagebrush bluebell
- bright blue-to-purplish flowers, hanging and downward facing
- narrow tube that flares abruptly to bell
- blooms in very early spring, soon after snow-melt
- usually associated with sagebrush
Myosotis asiatica / forget-me-not
- azure blue to violet to white flowers - very small
- yellow ring around the center of each flower, like a doughnut
- usually many flowers in an inflorescence
- flowers initially in compact clusters, more spread out later in season
- leaves and stems a bit hairy
Penstemon cyaneus / blue penstemon
- two-toned totally tubular flower (blue and pink-ish)
- early spring to at least mid-summer
- widespread in low disturbance habitats - even when rocky and "bare"
Penstemon rydbergii / Rydberg’s penstemon
- small, blue/purple tubular flowers in leafy whorls
- flowers lack glands or hairs
- basal rosette of bright green, spoon-shaped leaves without glands or hairs
- stem leaves are lanceolate, around flower clusters
- wetter areas, but also along Victor/Driggs bike path
Phlox diffusa / spreading phlox
- low, spreading, moss-like (before blooming)
- flowers 5-petaled, a variety of colors, and with a tube below the petals
- many habitat types incl. mountain slopes, rocky terrain, dry forests or with sagebrush
- blooms in early spring to early summer
- confusable with P. hoodii
Showing 13–24 of 33 results