Showing 37–48 of 105 results
Eriophorum angustifolium / narrow-leaved cottongrass
- limited to bogs/fens with standing water
- "just a pointy-leaved plant" until the fruit develops
- fruits are big white, cotton-like tufts
Galium borealis / northern bedstraw
- teeny 4-petaled white flowers in small to large clusters
- two pairs of opposite leaves in a whorl around the stem
- linear leaves - like rosemary
- smooth stems... not hairy or sticky like other bedstraws
Galium triflorum / fragrant bedstraw
- low, herbaceous plant on forest floor
- whorls of thin, pointy leaves - 6 per whorl
- teeny, 4-petaled white flowers in groups of three
Goodyera oblongifolia / western rattlesnake plantain
- basal rosette of blue-green leaves with a white midvein
- single, leafless inflorescence stem
- greenish-white, stalkless flowers, often in a spiral
- the flowers have a hood, a short, pouch-like lip, and 2 flaring sepals
- usually found on the floor of coniferous forests
Hackelia floribunda / many-flowered stickseed
Hackelia micrantha / Jessica sticktight
- teeny blue flowers with yellow/white centers
- flowers appear singly or in groups above developing fruit
- inflorescence mostly on one side of the stem
- lower leaves long and narrow; upper leaves fewer and sessile
- fruit a pointy and tenacious nutlet
Hackelia spp. / stickseeds in general
- very small blue flowers
- inflorescence elongates with single flower at top
- more and more branches through the season
- nasty stickseed fruits mature below apex
Heracleum maximum / cow parsnip
- very tall - stands above most other herbs and forbs
- huge leaves with clasping sheaths at the stem junction
- leaves lobed and like a very large maple
- huge flat umbels with white flowers
- grooved, woolly, stout stem
Heuchera parvifolia / littleleaf alumroot
- subalpine, alpine... on rocks
- clusters of round or kidney-shaped leaves
- leaves lobed, all basal (no stem leaves)
- inflorescences tower over leaves
- clumps of teeny, yellow flowers along a spike-like flowering stalk
Huechera cylindrica / coral bells
- oval-shaped leaves growing in clumps/tufts - all basal
- leaf edges with small lobes or teeth
- teeny pale yellow, creamy, green or pink flowers on a leafless stem
- flowers more dense at top of spike than lower down
- in woods, on cliff-side ledges, rocky slopes and subalpine meadows
Hydrophyllum capitatum / ballhead waterleaf
- leaves to 10" tall, deeply lobed (7-11 lobes)
- globe of purple-blue-white flowers below the leaves or at ground level
- flowers are fuzzy while still in bud
- rocky, shady, seasonally moist sites
Showing 37–48 of 105 results