Showing 13–24 of 101 results
Cirsium arvense / Canada thistle
- purple or lavender clearly-thistle flower heads
- multiple small flower heads per stem
- deeply lobed, spiny leaves, but stems not spiny
- clonal and perennial
- in clumps or along roads, sometimes quite large/long
Cirsium hookerianum / Hooker’s thistle
- clearly a thistle, but with white flowers
- native but not plentiful
- seen at Mahogany Creek in mid-August
Cirsium vulgare / bull thistle
- very nasty spines all over, including stems
- purple flower head over pear/egg-shaped narrow, spiny bracts
- fruits are thistle-downy
- disturbed areas, but also forest gaps, stream sides and seeps
Claytonia lanceolata / lanceleaf spring beauty
- small, very early spring, ephemeral
- 5 white or pink-ish petals with pink/purple stripes
- pair of opposite leaves at mid-stem; lanceolate
Corallorhiza maculata / spotted coralroot
- short, brown/red leafless flowering stalk, often in clumps
- intricate all brown/red-ish flowers except for a white lower lip, with reddish spots
- in conifer or aspen forest understory
Corallorhiza striata / striped coralroot
- short and purple - no green bits
- forest understory
- up to 35 flowers per stalk; often many stalks together
- flowers have 5 pointy, purple striped "petals" and one darker lower lip petal
Cornus sericea / red osier dogwood
- shrub with opposite branching and red bark, brightest in fall/winter
- common along streams especially
- small white flowers, 4 petals, in clusters
- white or blue-ish white berries in fall
- opposite leaves with parallel veins
Crepis acuminata / tapertip hawksbeard
- leaves (diagnostic) - long; many deep triangular, pointed lobes; upright, grey-green; milky sap
- flowers - 5-10 rays, no disc florets; yellow; up to 70 per plant
- dry, open places in foothills; commonly with sagebrush
Cynoglossum officinale / houndstongue
- reddish-purple flowers in upper leaf axils
- forms basal rosette with hairy leaves in first year
- stem leaves lance shaped, hairy, rough
- fruit - small nutlets with barbs or hooks
Delphinium nuttallianum / upland larkspur
- Bright blue flowers, sometimes whitish or other color petals in center
- One or several flowers per stalk
- Long spur "behind" the flower
- Leaves mostly low on the stem - divided into several or many lobes
- Open meadows, near streams, with sagebrush, any elevation
- Beginning soon after snowmelt and sometime persisting into September
Dicentra uniflora / steer’s head
- looks like a very small, peach-colored long-horned steer's skull
- leaves are 3-fold compound; leaflets deeply divided
- leaves and flowers appear to be separate plants
- on rocky, vernally-moist slopes right at snowmelt
- considered hard to find but not rare
Dodecatheon pulchellum / shooting star
- five pink to lavender lobes projecting backwards
- white or yellow petal bases above a squiggly purple ring
- anthers joined into a projecting point; stigma projecting past the point
- snowmelt to early spring
- wet meadows to sagebrush communities
Showing 13–24 of 101 results