Eremogone congesta / sandwort

Adjectives: , ,

  • very small (teeny) white flowers in a ball-like arrangement
  • tufts of pointy-tipped needle-like leaves 3″ or less long
  • cushion plant
  • dry, rocky or sandy soils, rock crevices

Synonym: Arenaria congesta
Also known as:  ballhead sandwort, capitate sandwort
See also: Eremogone capillaris / fescue sandwortE. kingii / King’s sandwort

This small perennial is rather easily overlooked but has an interesting white head-like flower. The flowers themselves may be “dense” (i.e. sort of ballhead like) or open as in the photos here. There may be anywhere from 3 to more than 50 flowers on a stem. If you look closely, they are arranged as an umbel.

Looking at the leaves may help (so next time you see what may be it, take pictures of the leaves, too). They are thin, pointy and short… 1/2″ to perhaps 3″ long growing in a tuft. Because of their small size and closeness to the ground, plants like this are known as cushion plants.