… the stem bearing a flower or fruit; the main stalk supporting an inflorescence.
… the short stalk or stem that joins a leaf to the main stem of the plant. In some species this is so short it is apparently absent and the leaves are “sessile”. A bud, big or small, or a new branch will be in the axil of the petiole and the stem.
… the timing of a periodic biological phenomenon (such as germination, development or flowering), often in relation to the progress of seasons.
… a single bract of the involucre of a composite flower.
… coherent masses of pollen grains – i.e. all stuck together – found on some flowers, especially orchids. Single or paired pollinia often attach themselves to pollinating insects and are transported to other flowers.
… a condition in which an organism has more than two paired sets of chromosomes. Although many plants are polyploid, most animals, including humans, are diploid – having one set of chromosomes from each parent.
… all the individuals of a given species living in a particular area… as a group.
… in actual botany, thorns are derived from shoots so may be branched, may have leaves, and may arise from a bud; spines are derived from leaves and have vascular bundles, like leaf petioles or stipules; prickles are derived from epidermal tissue so that they can be found anywhere on the plant and do not have vascular bundles. Wikipedia
… hairiness. In plants, pubescence is due to the presence of trichomes and is generally associated with the need to reduce water loss and heat build-up in leaves and stems.