… short for monocotyledonous – plants whose seeds contain only one seed leaf (cotyledon). The two biggest groups of monocots are orchids and grasses… distinguished from dicots (having 2 seed leaves; most wildflowers) and tricots (a kind of fabric, as in nylon tricot)
… a cell containing a single nucleus
… the vegetative part of a fungus, consisting of a network of fine white filaments (hyphae).
…an association between a plant and a symbiotic fungus, commonly at the root/soil interface
… a plant that has been designated by an agricultural or other governing authority as injurious to agricultural or horticultural crops, natural habitats or ecosystems, or humans or livestock.
…with regards leaf shape, sort of egg shaped with the narrow end toward the base
… a loosely branched inflorescence, especially a branching raceme
… an inflorescence made up of branches which are, individually, racemes.
… in dandelions and species with similar “parachutes”, the pappus is the feathery bristles that make up the parachute and let the seed drift on the wind. Not to be confused with papoose.
… the short stem supporting a flower, playing a role similar to that of a petiole for a leaf.