… a kind of stem that lies above the surface of the ground (unlike rhizomes, which are below ground). Capable of rooting and giving rise to new shoots as a means of clonal/vegetative reproduction. The most well-known stoloniferous plant for most people is strawberries.
… the male and female reproductive structures on conifers; cones.
… the process by which the species structure of an ecological community changes with time, whether that be over decades, centuries or millennia.
… sometimes it isn’t possible to decide whether the outer parts of a flower are petals or sepals. In that case, they are called tepals.
… a grass shoot that arises from the base of the plant. Tillering is the production of side shoots on a single plant

…densely covered with short matted woolly hairs
… the sum of all the messenger RNA, i.e. all of the information from genes (DNA) converted (translated) into a form useable by the cells in an organism to make proteins.
… in biology, a tribe is a taxonomic rank above genus but below family and subfamily… basically a small-ish group of similar genera.